How Eniture Technology's shipping quote products handle address type detection for USA and non-USA ship-to addresses.
When the ship-to address is in the USA
All of Eniture Technology's shipping quotes products can automatically detect the address type when the ship-to address is in the United States. When the feature is enabled, the shipping provider is informed if the address is residential so that the returned shipping quotes include the carrier's residential address delivery fee.
Complementary settings can restrict the shipping options the visitor sees when the ship-to address is residential. For example, a visitor with a residential ship-to address may only see one option that includes liftgate and residential delivery.
When the ship-to address is not in the USA
The United States is the only country that has enterprises that offer cloud-based resources that can be used to identify a particular address as commercial or residential. Therefore, when the address type detection feature is enabled, and the ship-to address is not in the USA, the website visitor is presented with options that include residential delivery.
In some cases, enabling other settings can restrict what the visitor sees as options.
In either case, it is up to the visitor to accurately identify the address type.