Follow these steps to uninstall the Worldwide Express Small Package Quotes module for Magento 2.
Follow these instructions to permanently remove the Worldwide Express Small Package Quotes module from your Magento 2 site, or in preparation for upgrading to a more recent version. You won't lose the settings previously entered if upgrading from version 2.0.0 or higher. If upgrading from a version older than 2.0.0, you should record your settings as they will need to be re-entered after the upgrade.
Step 1 - Connect to Magento 2
Using SSH, connect to the root of your Magento 2 installation (this is the folder that has the app folder in it) and check the list of all modules, including their enabled / disabled status.
php bin/magento module:status
Step 2 - Disable the module
Disable the module by executing the following commands:
php bin/magento module:disable Eniture_WweSmallPackageQuotes --clear-static-content
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Step 3 - Remove the module files
If the Worldwide Express Small Package Quotes module is the only module from Eniture Technology installed, then the Eniture folder must be removed. Use the following commands:
cd app/code
rm -rf Eniture
If other modules from Eniture Technology are installed, then use the following commands to remove only the Worldwide Express Small Package Quotes module.
cd app/code/Eniture
rm -rf WweSmallPackageQuotes
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Step 4 - Remove the product attributes related to the module
Perform this step only if you are permanently removing the Worldwide Express Small Package Quotes module and it is the only module from Eniture Technology installed. If you are upgrading to a newer version, skip to Step 5.
Navigate to Magento Admin > Stores > Product. The following attribute codes need to be removed:
- en_length
- en_width
- en_height
- en-dropship
- en_dropship_location
- en_hazmat
- en_insurance
Step 5 - Install the new module
If you are updating to a new version of the module, you can proceed with its installation. Refer to the module's User's Guide for the installation instructions.