How to write a review for a Wordpress plugin

Step by step instructions on how to leave a review for a plugin published in the plugin directory.

Thank you!

Thank you for taking the time to write a review for one of our plugins! Positive reviews are a huge help to small companies like ours. It gives other merchants confidence in our solutions, bolsters the subscriber base, and strengthens our ability to support customers like you. A five star rating would be greatly appreciated. If you don't feel that a five star rating is warranted, please give us an opportunity to earn it. We can be contacted by phone at 404-369-0680. You can also open a support ticket by emailing

Step by step instructions

Navigate to

Click on Plugin in the navigation menu.


Login to and type eniture into the search field. If you don't have a login to, please register. You must be signed into to leave a review.


We publish many plugins in the Wordpress Plugin Directory. Scroll through the list and locate the one you'd like to write a review for. Click on it.


Click on the Review tab. (The banner image and title will appear differently if you are reviewing a different app than the one in the illustration.)


Click on the Add my review button.


Create a title for the review, choose a star rating, write your review and then click on the submit button.


Thank you for writing a review!