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How To Enable A ShipEngine Carriers Account In FreightDesk Online

Instructions on how to create a ShipEngine Carriers account to get access to great shipping rates and connect it to FreightDesk Online.

What Is ShipEngine Carriers?

ShipEngine Carriers is an offering from ShipEngine, a subsidiary of Stamps.com.  ShipEngine Carriers provides its subscribers with exceptional discounts on shipping services from the US postal service and UPS.  The rates from the postal service are the "Commercial Plus" pricing, the cheapest rates available for USPS service.  The UPS rates offer subscribers up to 62% off UPS 2nd Day Air service and 48% off UPS Ground service. No minimum shipping volume is required, and subscribers are not charged for many common surcharges like those for residential delivery and extended delivery area.

What Is FreightDesk Online?

FreightDesk Online (https://freightdesk.online) is a cloud-based shipping platform designed from the ground up for e-commerce merchants.  It allows e-commerce merchants to connect their stores and streamline shipping and fulfillment.  FreightDesk Online allows merchants to connect their shipping accounts and ship orders with freight carriers, parcel carriers, and postal carriers. It delivers merchants as close as possible to "click-and-ship" functionality, eliminating errors and their associated costs.

How Does ShipEngine Carriers Work With FreightDesk Online?

Through a partnership agreement with ShipEngine, FreightDesk Online is able to give its users the ability to easily create a ShipEngine account and gain access to the incredible discounts that ShipEngine Carriers has to offer. Once a merchant's ShipEngine Carriers account is funded, FreightDesk Online makes it extremely easy to use it to ship orders.

What Does "Funding" A ShipEngine Carriers Account Mean?

When a merchant sets up a ShipEngine Carriers account, the account is "funded".  A credit card is charged for an amount that is placed in the merchant's ShipEngine account.  Each time a USPS or UPS shipping label is created, the amount for the shipment is deducted from the merchant's account balance. 

This "cash-and-carry" arrangement is nothing new for the postal service.  It is unusual for UPS, which often bills customers using invoices that have payment terms.  The "cash-and-carry" arrangement allows UPS to avoid the cost of managing customers that pay outside of their payment terms, collection costs, and in some cases write-offs for bad debt. Avoiding these costs allows UPS to offer terrific discounts to customers using ShipEngine Carriers.

How Do FreightDesk Online Users Get A ShipEngine Carriers Account?

Log in to FreightDesk Online (https://freightdesk.online) and navigate to Settings > ShipEngine Carriers.  Click on the button labeled, "Get a ShipEngine Carriers Account".  Complete and submit the form.  Immediately afterward you'll be able to log in to ShipEngine (https://app.shipengine.com/) using the email address and password you entered on the registration form and enable your access to ShipEngine Carriers.