Auto-detecting Residential Addresses

Automatically detecting residential addresses is one of the easiest things you can do to reduce the chance of losing money on shipping.

Address type detection is only available for addresses in the USA.


Eniture Technology's shipping quotes products can be enabled to detect residential addresses automatically. When detected, the rates displayed in the checkout process will include the carrier's residential delivery fee.

This method of detection is far superior to having your shopper self-identify their shipping address as residential. Some shoppers innocently overlook the residential address checkbox commonly presented in the checkout process. Others intentionally avoid doing so because they know or discover that it increases the amount they will pay for shipping.

The 2018 carrier fees for residential delivery are $4.15 for parcel air services, $3.60 for parcel ground service, and commonly $120 for LTL freight. Merchants absorb these fees when they aren't included in the shipping rate selected by shoppers during the checkout process. Paying for the option to auto-detect residential addresses is an excellent return on investment decision.

Refer to the user guide associated with the product you have installed to learn how to enable the Auto-detect residential addresses feature. User Guides can be found by navigating to Locate the product badge for the product you are using (make sure it's the right carrier and eCommerce platform) and click on it. Scroll down until you see the tabs and select the one labeled Documentation.

Links to Pricing & More Information

Residential Address Detection Plans