ABF LTL Freight Quotes isn't returning rates

How to determine if the need to identify an NMFC number is why you aren't receiving rates.

If the ABF LTL Freight Quotes product isn't returning rates to your checkout process, it may be because the ABF tariff for your account specifies that an NMFC number must be provided.  You can check this in one of the following ways:

  • Review your tariff / pricing agreement with ABF
  • Sign into ABF's website and obtain a quote.  If you had to provide an NMFC number to do so, then your tariff requires it.
  • Email support@eniture.com and ask us to review our logs and see if an NMFC required error is being returned for your store. Be sure include your store URL in the email and allow 1 business day for a response.

To remove the NMFC requirement, contact your ABF Account Manager.  Your ABF Account Manager will work with the ABF Pricing Department to get the tariff modified.  ABF states that this can take 10 minutes to several days, depending on a given customer's freight mix.